NeuronWriter Review
NeuronWriter Review

Imagine that you are stuck staring at a blank page and blinking cursor, yearning for content that climbs, not clings, to the search engine’s top pages. Everyone faces this issue; sometimes, I get stuck with writer’s block. Creating content and optimizing the content is a beast, and for many, SEO feels like a complicated task.

That’s where AI-writing engines like NeuronWriter come in, promising to inject creativity and optimize your words to rank better and provide users with what they exactly want to read.

But with so many options swirling around, the question remains: is NeuronWriter bulletproof your SEO strategy needs?

I get it. You’re skeptical. Can AI truly understand the nuances of good writing, let alone the intricate dance of SEO? My friend, I was in your shoes, too. That’s why I dove headfirst into a deep-dive NeuronWriter review.

I squeezed every feature, tested its content writer and SERP analysis, and scrutinized its SEO smarts. How has NeuronWriter helped me with my content strategy? Come on, let us check it out.

Get into my comprehensive NeuronWriter review and find out if it needs to be added to your SEO puzzle! Prepare to be surprised because what I found might unlock the door to your next content-creating process.

TL;DR – NeuronWriter in a nutshell:

  • AI Writer: Can it spin engaging content? (Spoiler: not bad, but)
  • Content Editor: Does it optimize for SEO like a pro? (Buckle up!)
  • SEO Wizard: Can it guide you to Google’s top SERPs? (Follow the map!)

NeuronWriter Review: At a Glance

Best features:

  • Offers recommendations for semantic SEO
  • Conducts thorough analysis of SERP and competitors
  • Produces SEO-optimized articles in one click
  • Utilizes GPT-4 and comes with a robust NLP editor
  • Compatible with over 170 languages
  • In-built plagiarism checker
  • It integrates with Search Console, WordPress, and Google Docs.
  • Provides a generous credit system 

AppSumo is presently providing a lifetime offer for NeuronWriter, a powerful AI writing tool for creating content, generating ideas, and improving writing skills.

It is a limited-time offer: Get the Appsumo lifetime deal for NeuronWriter for 88% OFF at only $89.

What is NeuronWriter?

Imagine an AI-powered co-pilot for your journey in generating content. That’s what NeuronWriter is. It is an SEO writing and optimizing tool that enables you to plan, write content, and optimize it for SEO.​

Think keyword research, competitor analysis, readability checks, plagiarism checks, and content generation – all rolled into one user-friendly dashboard. And Contadu is the company behind this solid SEO platform.

With NeuronWriter, you can ditch the guesswork and focus on crafting engaging content that search engine loves. It has the tools to produce content on autopilot, and it gives you a score scaling from 1 to 100 based on your optimized content.

My First Impression on NeuronWriter:

When it comes to AI writing and optimization, I have used many tools in the market; the list includes SurferSEO, JasperAI, Copy.AI, and other GPT 4 models, But what attracted me to NeuronWriter is its user-friendly interface. Its user experience is really good compared to Surfer’s.

Before NeuronWriter, Surfer SEO was my all-time favorite tool for my SEO strategy.

Though Surfer’s user experience is good, I have liked NeuronWriter the most since I started using this tool. But for workflow, I will give extra marks to Surfer’s because it stands out compared to Neuron. NeuronWriter is sometimes slower than Surfer, but there is not much of a difference in workflows.

It comes with affordable plans to Enterprise plans, but if we compare Neuron, it is a budget-friendly and strong alternative to many other SEO copywriting tools in the market.

The next thing I was impressed by was its SEO performance, and it does a good job of optimizing the content and giving suggestions on LSI keywords.

Then I tried its AI assistant; it generated the outline for a blog post, and I generated some sections in the blog. The answer is creative, as it uses OpenAI’s language models.

Who Built the Brain Behind NeuronWriter?

The information about the specific creators of NeuronWriter is not readily available on their website or other online sources. While Contadu is mentioned as the company behind it, the names of the individuals responsible for the initial concept and development of NeuronWriter remain relatively under wraps.

The website focuses more on outlining its features and benefits, and it speeds up the traditional content creation process rather than delving into its creation story. 

What I know: They’re a passionate bunch of tech wizards and content gurus obsessed with helping SEO writers like you conquer the SEO beast and help you improve your content.

Collaborative work was involved in the NeuronWriter’s creation.

First, we will look at the benefits of NeuronWriter so you will get an idea of what NeuronWriter will do for you if you want to get started and are looking for an overall best tool for on-page SEO analyses and content writing with in-built plagiarism checker on the editor.

Then, I will walk you through the NeuronWriter’s features. So, read till the end.

Top Benefits of Using NeuronWriter

  • The first thing is that it is user-friendly and saves you a ton of time and effort by automating the writing process.
  • NeuronWriter helps you analyze the top-ranking pages on Google.
  • NeuronWriter’s competitor analysis shows you how your content stacks up against the competition.
  • You will get real-time data on your SEO content’s performance. It helps your content rank higher by giving you clear, actionable steps for maximum visibility.
  • Its built-in plagiarism checker makes the content editing process more efficient and enjoyable.
  • Easily share your drafts with team members and collaborate on projects in real-time by keeping your workflow organized and efficient.
  • You can easily integrate with WordPress and other tools.

Now we’ll look at each of NeuronWriter’s features in detail; let’s go!

Best Features of NeuronWriter: Is the best AI Writer?

Sure, AI writing tools are popping up like SEO buzzwords these days. But NeuronWriter goes beyond the ordinary. Let’s see some of its best features that set it apart.

AI Writing Features: Your Muse, Minus the Mood Swings

Forget about staring at a blank page or wrestling with writer’s block. Now, look at how it helps you in writing your content.

  • Idea Generation on Tap: NeuronWriter sparks creativity with a single click. Just provide a few keywords or phrases, and it’ll come up with title tags, meta descriptions, outlines, draft introductions, conclusions, or even entire sections of your content. You can also do topical mapping as well.
  • Multiple Content Formats: NeuronWriter is mainly focusing on writing website content. You can create optimized blog posts, social media captions, emails, landing pages, and even product descriptions. It’s like having a personal content creator at your fingertips.
  • Adaptive Writing Styles: This content writing tool learns your writing style and adapts its tone and voice to create great content for you. Choose styles to match your audience and purpose.
  • Long-Form Content Generation: You can use NeuronWriter to generate long-form content that’s well-structured, informative, and engaging, saving you hours of research and writing time. With its advanced content editor, you can seamlessly edit the content and add your personal experience.

SEO Optimization Features: Outrank Your Competitors

Ranking on Google is what the rubber meets the road. Here’s how NeuronWriter gives you a competitive edge and how it helps your content rank higher on Google:

  • Keyword Research and get a full on-page SEO analysis: This tool does the heavy lifting, identifying high-potential keywords with low competition based on your target audience and industry trends. Give a keyword you want, and it does a full SEO analysis, comes up with data-driven insights, and gives you the exact keyword strategy to rank higher on Google.
  • Competitor Analysis that Reveals Winning Strategies: With NeuronWriter, you don’t have to look at the Google SERP manually; it does everything for you. It completely analyzes their top-ranking content, identifying keywords, backlinks, and content structure to uncover their SEO content secrets. 
  • Real-Time Content SEO Optimization: There are no more guessing games about what search engines want. This content optimization tool gives you real-time feedback on your content. It comes up with suggestions for keyword density, readability, and semantic SEO relevance so you can easily increase your SEO score.
  • Readability Checks that Keep Readers Hooked: Confusing content gets lost in the digital abyss. With features like sentence variety, active voice, and transition analysis, you can keep readers glued to your page and eager for more.

Content Curation Made Easy

Image and Video Recommendation: Enhance your content with visuals that resonate with your audience and Google’s algorithms. The tools suggest copyright-free images and videos relevant to your topic, helping you create visually appealing content that stands out.

Collaboration Tools: Write Together, Win Together

Writing and editing the content for search engines and human readers doesn’t have to be a solo journey. With NeuronWriter, you can easily collaborate with others and take your content to the next level.

  • Team Workspaces: Share projects with your team, assign tasks, and track progress seamlessly. You can leave comments and feedback directly on drafts, creating a collaborative writing environment that fosters creativity and efficiency.
  • Client Sharing and Feedback: Share your work directly with clients for feedback and approval within the platform. No more juggling versions and emails – keep everything organized and transparent in one place.
  • Content Version History: Don’t worry about losing your best ideas. NeuronWriter automatically monitors all modifications made to your content, enabling you to go back to earlier versions or compare different drafts easily.

Plagiarism Checker: Originality On Autopilot

Plagiarism is the content creator’s kryptonite; NeuronWriter is the right choice for whoever wants a built-in shield. I love this checker because many tools don’t offer an in-built plagiarism checker.

Its plagiarism checker scans your text against billions of online sources, highlighting any potential matches for your peace of mind. No more frantic Google searches or third-party tools – ensure your content is 100% original and ready to publish without fear of copyright penalties.

But how does it stack up against other tools like Surfer SEO? I am mentioning NeuronWriter because it is a great tool for identifying and highlighting potential plagiarism, offering clear context and sources for comparison.

While Surfer doesn’t have a dedicated plagiarism checker, it does analyze content similarity with competitors, which can indirectly highlight originality concerns.

Overall, NeuronWriter prioritizes plagiarism prevention, while Surfer SEO focuses on overall content optimization within the competitive landscape.

NeuronWriter Pricing: Fueling Your Content Engine

NeuronWriter provides subscription plans to fit your creative output. It offers free and five paid plans for small business owners and big content marketing agencies handling multiple projects. I am showing you the monthly payment plans. If you follow the yearly plans, you will get discounted prices.

Free Plan: You can use NeuronWriter for free with its free plan. If you are a beginner or searching for alternatives, you can go with the free plan and upgrade if you wish to stick with this SEO tool. With its free trial, you will get

  • 3 Content writer edits
  • 10000 AI credits
  • Six plagiarism checks (Plan resets every month)

Bronze plan: starting at $23 per month, Ideal for casual bloggers and solo creators, You will get 

  • Two projects/folders
  • 25 Writer edits
  • 15000 AI credits
  • Content plan
  • Content sharing (only for viewing)

Silver plan: ($45 per month). Best for casual bloggers and solo creators who are looking to utilize more AI credits, you will get the following:

  • Five projects/folders
  • 50 content writer analyses
  • 30000 AI credits
  • Content plan + New ideas
  • Content sharing (Only for viewing)

Gold Plan: Starts at $69 per month. This plan best suits small agency owners who handle multiple projects or a team of bloggers, content marketers, and freelancers. You will get:

  • Ten projects/folders
  • 75 content analyses
  • 45000 AI credits
  • Advanced + Custom AI content templates + Content Designer (one-click articles)
  • Content plan + New ideas and Content sharing (unlocks team collaboration)
  • Content management and Integrations: GSC, WP, Shopify
  • Own OpenAI key and Neuron API

They offer a Platinum Plan ($93/month) and a Diamond Plan ($117/month) for larger businesses or big content agencies working on multiple domains.

Choose the plan that fuels your content engine. Now, we are going to discuss NeuronWriter’s pros and cons.

NeuronWriter Pros and Cons: Weighing the Content Engine

Before you click “subscribe,” let’s take a balanced look at NeuronWriter’s Pros and Cons to make sure it suits your needs.

NeuronWriter Pros:

  • AI-powered engine to get out of writer’s block, as we just discussed in the features section.
  • You can analyze your competitors and do keyword research.
  • Write SEO-friendly content that ranks in Google.
  • User-friendly interface for creating and editing with content editor.
  • Easily share projects, assign tasks, and leave feedback seamlessly, bringing your SEO content team together.
  • In-build plagiarism check to ensure your work is original.

NeuronWriter Cons:

  • Depending on your needs, the monthly subscription fees might be steeper than some basic SEO tools.
  • While helpful, AI-written content often requires human editing for optimal flow, voice, and that extra spark.
  • Compared to specialized SEO tools, NeuronWriter’s on-page analysis might lack some depth. 
  • While user-friendly, some advanced AI features might require a bit of exploration to master.
  • Limited AI templates, but they are trying to improve their product.

NeuronWriter Customer Support:

They provide contact support through email and chat. They are a team of experts that offer customer support to answer problems faced by their users. You also have many helpful articles and FAQs on their website. Through their YouTube Academy, they provide guides on how to use NeuronWriter.

NeuronWriter Alternatives and the Competition:

Though it is a powerful tool for SEO content optimization, there are many alternatives to NeuronWriter.

Now, we will explore some of its competitors, and I show you how they differ from NeuronWriter’s capabilities by comparing the strengths and weaknesses of these tools with NeuronWriter so you can get a clear insight into the competition and its market.

Surfer SEO:

It is a user-friendly, cloud-based content optimization and content-producing tool that analyzes your content. It provides actionable data-driven insights and suggestions for what is missing on your page, your content plan, or your site, ensuring your pages rank higher on search results and effortlessly improve website performance.

Strengths: Deep on-page analysis, detailed competitor research, content gap identification, custom content templates, and focus on data-driven insights.

Weaknesses: There is no built-in dedicated plagiarism checker, and the learning curve is steeper than NeuronWriter.

Content At Scale:

Content At Scale is a long-form, full-length SEO content-generating machine designed for SEO content marketers who need long-form content. It uses AI to optimize your content and NLP algorithms to create one-off content that bypasses AI detection.

Strengths: Generates high-quality, long-form blog posts and articles. Its unique voice bypasses AI detection and naturally avoids common AI patterns.

You can easily analyze your competitors and content gap. And you can easily create content in multiple languages.

Weaknesses: The interface can be less intuitive than NeuronWriter’s for beginners. It’s more expensive than NeuronWriter’s Bronze plan.

It lacks the diverse content formats of NeuronWriter and doesn’t offer social media posts or landing pages. It won’t add a human touch to articles.


MarketMuse is also a cloud-based content intelligence software that helps marketers with content plans and generate content ideas—using AI and ML to pinpoint any gaps in the content.

Strengths: Comprehensive content strategy and planning platform, AI-powered content briefs and outlines, content gap analysis, content scoring and optimization, and a strong focus on enterprise-level content marketing.

Weaknesses: Expensive plans, less intuitive interface than NeuronWriter, primarily geared towards large-scale content teams.


Frase is an AI content-generating tool and SEO tool. NLP is used to efficiently create top-notch content and boost your content’s search engine ranking.

Strengths: AI-powered content production and optimization, topic research and outline creation, SEO analysis, competitive content comparisons and keyword tracking, question-based content generation, focus on user-friendliness, and content efficiency.

Weaknesses: Not doing a data-driven competitor analysis and collaborative features as compared to NeuronWriter, lacking a built-in plagiarism checker, and only giving you an originality score for your content.


Jasper AI (formerly Jarvis) is a very popular content-writing tool, especially for creating long-form articles. It uses ML and AI to create a human-like text. It is ten times faster than a human, and its outputs are plagiarism-free.

Strengths: Offers long-form content and SEO suggestions.

Weaknesses: Similar pricing to MarketMuse, it can be overwhelming for beginner users and lacks NeuronWriter’s collaborative and semantic writing features.


Writesonic is a creative writing assistant tool that helps writers generate creative content and copies. Its built-in SEO features help users to outrank their competitors.

Strengths: Versatile platform with diverse content formats, including landing pages and social media posts.

Weaknesses: Lacks detailed SEO analysis and weaker plagiarism checking compared to NeuronWriter.

My Experience With NeuronWriter: How has this tool helped me?

This tool saved me a lot of time writing and optimizing from the start to the end. With NeuronWriter, I have made a measurable improvement in my SEO score and optimized blog posts for SEO.

The AI tool is really helpful in writing sections and even long-form blog posts. It uses OpenAI’s advanced language models, and it is comparatively better than Surfer’s writing.

The output is better and factual, and I didn’t see many fluffy words used, but the AI-generated content sometimes doesn’t pass the AI detection test. I need to edit it to add my expertise and to meet the EEAT standards.

Also, my recommendation is always to fact-check the AI content, read it, edit it, and don’t fully rely on the output it produces. Because AI writing is just an assistant that helps you write faster, you have to do the extra work to add your uniqueness and human touch.

When it comes to competitor analysis, I was amazed that this tool has done a great job; I don’t have to check the SERPs manually. All I need is already available within this tool, and it breaks down everything for me, including what exactly to write and what not to write on my page based on my competitors.

However, my personal preference is that I always make my hands dirty by looking at my competitors’ blogs during the keyword research process to look at what they have written on their pages; the idea is to get a feel and be inspired and not act as a copycat. If you wish, you can look at your competitors’ blogs to get inspiration.

One of the writer’s block struggles I face is coming up with a unique and search-engine-optimized FAQ section, which is a challenging task. But this tool makes it simple with its advanced AI writing template.

In the advanced templates section, you can see a section called ‘FAQ with unused terms.’ It not only improves your SEO score but also gives you a unique, well-organized, logical FAQ section that you cannot find in the PAA (People Also Ask) section on the SERP.

What I love about this tool is its user-friendly experience; it is a simple process to navigate the sections of the tool.

It will be helpful for beginners or people who need some cost-effective alternative because NeuronWriter comes with a free plan with 10000 monthly AI credits, unlike many other SEO tools. It has an in-built plagiarism checker, so you don’t need to look for third-party tools to check for plagiarism.

NeuronWriter: Recent Product Updates:

  • Improved User Interface: They updated their user interface with elements like AI templates and content briefs, which are now being migrated to the sidebar for easier access.
  • Improved Editor Engine: The new engine enables the development of new features that were not possible with the previous one.
  • AI Templates: A new version of AI templates is being beta tested. They design the templates to be comprehensive and user-friendly.
  • Custom templates: Generative AI will allow users to create their own templates.
  • Chrome Extension: The NeuronWriter Chrome extension is now available in the official Chrome Web Store. So, you can access the NeuronWriter’s features directly on your Google Docs, making it easier to create and optimize the content.
  • Language Model Improvements: NeuronWriter is working on improving language models for better content quality and understanding of various languages.
  • Content optimization feature: unused and overused terms will be replaced with synonyms or meanings similar to user intent.

Conclusion: Should You Buy NeuronWriter?

NeuronWriter is definitely worth checking if you want to create the best SEO content to rank higher on Google. The best features I saw include the amazing user interface, easy integration, and good competitive analysis.

But always keep in mind that any SEO tool in the market is not a complete solution to do the best SEO practices. All the tools come up with different metrics and data. So you can use that data to work much faster and better than manually doing everything by yourself.

What makes it better is that you can leverage the AI writing capabilities of these tools to do a top analysis of your content to rank better on Google. SEO is a long marathon and not a sprint, so it is not a one-time process. It is not about publishing and forgetting the process.

With that said, give NeuronWriter a try and leverage this tool to speed up your content process. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, and I will answer you.

Thank you for reading this article; I hope this article gave you the best review for NeuronWriter. See you, bye.


What is NeuronWriter?

NeuronWriter is a content-writing tool that creates content faster. It analyzes your content and optimizes it for SEO.

It examines your content in comparison to your competitors and enhances it for improved search engine optimization. With its advanced NLP editor, NeuronWriter enables you to produce high-quality content that performs well in search engine rankings.

How does NeuronWriter work?

NeuronWriter uses AI to analyze content and provide suggestions for improving its quality and SEO effectiveness. It helps users optimize their writing for better search engine rankings.

Is NeuronWriter worth it?

NeuronWriter can be worth it for individuals seeking help with generating high-quality, AI-generated content. It offers a convenient and efficient way to produce written content, saving you time. However, the value of NeuronWriter ultimately depends on your needs and goals. 

How can NeuronWriter help with SEO?

NeuronWriter can help with SEO by generating top-notch, relevant content that is well-optimized to rank. It can produce keyword-rich articles, blog posts, and website copy that will attract and engage your target audience.

Can I use NeuronWriter to rank higher in search engine results?

Yes, NeuronWriter is specifically designed to help users improve and rank their content higher in search engine results through its AI-powered optimization features.

What is the NeuronWriter roadmap for future updates and features?

The NeuronWriter team regularly updates the platform with the latest technology and new features to enhance user experience and content creation capabilities. Users can expect ongoing enhancements and additions to the tool.

Are there any alternatives to NeuronWriter for creating content and optimizing SEO?

While NeuronWriter is a top choice for producing AI-powered content and optimization, there are other AI writing tools and content optimization platforms available on the market that users may consider as alternatives.

Does NeuronWriter offer an AppSumo lifetime deal?

Yes, NeuronWriter has been featured on AppSumo with a lifetime deal, allowing users to access the tool and its features at a one-time discounted price through the AppSumo platform.

What are the pricing plans for NeuronWriter?

NeuronWriter offers pricing plans with various features and capabilities to cater to different user needs. Users can explore the available plans on the NeuronWriter website to choose the one that best suits their requirements.

How can NeuronWriter benefit traditional content creation processes?

NeuronWriter offers AI-powered assistance that can enhance creation processes by providing advanced content analysis, optimization suggestions, and SEO improvements to streamline and improve the quality of content production.

Does NeuronWriter include an SEO NLP editor?

Yes, NeuronWriter includes an SEO NLP editor that leverages natural language processing for optimizing content and improving its search engine visibility and effectiveness.

Where can I check out NeuronWriter and its features?

You can explore NeuronWriter and its features on its official website or through its promotional materials to learn more about its capabilities and how it can benefit your content writing and optimization efforts.

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